Chinese Version (中文版)
Education Background and Employment History
2014- associate professor, Central China Normal University
2014-2015 visiting scholar in University of California, Davis.
2007-2014 Lecturer, Central China Normal University
2002-2007 Ph.D in Analytical Chemistry, State Key Laboratory of Chemo/Biosensing and Chemometrics, Hunan University, P. R. China (Director: Ru-Qin Yu)
1998-2002 Bachelor degree, Hunan University, P. R. China
Research Fields and Interests
My research works mainly focused on the development of some new multivariate chemometric algorithms applied in metabonomics, near infrared (NIR) spectroscopy as well asquantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR) studies.
Selected Publications
1. Yi-Fei Liu, Shan Xu, Hong Gong, Yan-Fang Cui, Dan-Dan Song, Yan-Ping Zhou*, Partialleast-squares discriminant analysis optimized by particle swarm optimization: application to 1H nuclear magnetic resonance analysis of lung cancer metabonomics, J. Chemometr. 2015, 29(10): 537–546.
2. Ya-Qiong Li, Yi-Fei Liu, Dan-Dan Song, Yan-Ping Zhou*, Lin Wang, Shan Xu, Yan-Fang Cui, Particle swarm optimization-based protocol for partial least-squares discriminant analysis: application to1H nuclear magnetic resonance analysis of lung cancer metabonomics, Chemometr. & Intell. Lab. Syst. 2014, 135, 192-200.
3. Jing-Jing Xing, Yi-Fei Liu, Ya-Qiong Li, Hong Gong, Yan-Ping Zhou*, QSAR Classification model for diverse series of antimicrobial agents using classification tree configured by modified particle swarm optimization, Chemometr. & Intell.Lab. Syst. 2014, 137, 82-90.
4. Jing-Jing Xing, Rui-Ming Luo, Hai-Li Guo, Ya-Qiong Li, Hai-Yan Fu, Tian-Ming Yang,Yan-Ping Zhou*, Radial basis function network-based transformation fornonlinear partial least-squares as optimized by particle swarm optimization: Application to QSAR studies, Chemometr. & Intell. Lab. Syst. 2014, 130, 37-44.
5. Rui-Min Luo, Ya-Qiong Li, Hai Li Guo, Yan-Ping Zhou*, Adaptive configuration of radialbasis function network by regression tree allied with hybrid particle swarm optimization algorithm. Chemometr. & Intell. Lab. Syst. 2013, 124, 50-57.
6. Rui-Min Luo, Shi-Miao Tan, Yan-Ping Zhou*, Shu-Juan Liu, Hui Xu, Dan-Dan Song, Yan-FangCui, Hai-Yan .Fu. Yang T. M. Quantitative analysis of tea using ytterbium-based internal standard near infrared spectroscopy coupled with boosting least-squares support vector regression. J. Chemometr. 2013, 27, 198-206.
7. Shi-Miao Tan, Rui-Min Luo, Yan-Ping Zhou*, Hui Xu, Dan-Dan Song, Ze Tan, Tian-Ming Yang, Nie Y. Boosting partial least-squares discriminant analysis with application tonear infrared spectroscopic tea variety discrimination. J. Chemometr. 2012, 34-39.
8. Jiao Jian, Shi-Miao Tan, Rui-Ming Luo, Yan-Ping Zhou*, A robust boosting regression tree with applications in quantitative structure-activity relationship studiesof organic compounds, J. Chem. Inf. Model., 2011, 51, 816-828.
9. Shi-Miao Tan, Jian Jiao, Xiao-Lei Zhu, Yan-Ping Zhou*, Dan-Dan Song, Hong Gong, Ru-QinYu, QSAR studies of a diverse series of antimicrobial agents against Candida albicans by classification and regression trees. Chemometr. Intel. Lab., 2010, 103, 184-190.
10. Yan-Ping Zhou, Li-JuanTang,Jian Jiao, Dan-Dan Song, Jian-Hui Jiang, Ru-Qin Yu, Modified particle swarm optimization algorithm for adaptively configuring globally optimal classification and regression trees, J. Chem. Inform. and Model., 2009, 49, 1144-1153.